Prayer Journaling
Prayer journaling is not difficult, and I highly recommend it. It is a written record of your conversation with God - both what you say to God and what God says to you. It can contain your prayer requests, Scripture verses, and even some of your daily life. If you include your prayer requests, then I recommend that you record God's answers to those prayers when they come. It is helpful and inspirational to re-read your journal from time to time. When I do this, I often see how things that I was very worried about turned out not to be serious at all. Either I worried over nothing or God worked out the problem. Also I find that journaling slows me down and helps me to focus. Writing out my prayer takes a little time and keeps my mind off of other matters.
In the past I used a notebook for my journal, but now I keep mine on the computer. Do whatever feels best to you. There really is no right or wrong way to do it.
There is an interesting YouTube video about prayer journaling which is encouraging about prayer in general and journaling specifically. It is by Janet Page.
In the past I used a notebook for my journal, but now I keep mine on the computer. Do whatever feels best to you. There really is no right or wrong way to do it.
There is an interesting YouTube video about prayer journaling which is encouraging about prayer in general and journaling specifically. It is by Janet Page.